Abhijeet sarkar job’s solution blog

Digitize Learning
4 min readJan 8, 2021


As I said previously we gonna talk about the criteria and qualities of getting selected in the organization. There are many criteria a company looks at while hiring someone such as confidence, skills, experience, etc.

These are common parameters but apart from this, there is more internal observation that obviously not everyone knows about. These factors affect directly and indirectly whether will be selected or rejected. so let’s discuss those parameters:

Past Records: What I mean by past record is nothing but past work records. The companies, profile, and area that you have worked for so long. Let’s understand this by a simple example you work for Microsoft as a lead software engineer. All the experience from years of years with the same profile ensure you have depth knowledge of that particular designation and also how you are capable enough handling the people’s and situation with experience.

Experience Gap: It is one of the more important to decide whether you are in or out. say for example you have 9 years of experience with a company but these years are divided into multiple profiles/designation or organizations. you have worked 3 years as developer 4 years as technical support and 2 years in sales. it will be counted as 3, 2, 4 years of experience depend on the profile you are applying for. Most companies look for people who are focused and experienced in a particular field or the same kind of work not diversified and multiple profiles switching from job to job and company to company. If you have a gap in your CV. there should be a better clarification or explanations which justified the fact of the employment gap. having a distracted profile for a salary hike or better companies never assured you of having a healthy and long term career. So better to be focused on a particular company rather than trying to be adventurers.

Profile or designation: although this is interrelated to other criteria’s let’s understand with an example you have dedicatedly worked as operational manager later on you applied for a quality Analyst profile jus for the sake of salary hike. Now that’s the stupid thing you could ever do especially if you are looking for a long-term carrier. I have seen people who are earning 3x more than people who frequently change their designation. You might have seen people who are earning 2–3 times more than you, while you both started a career with the same profile, now many people assume that because they are more intelligent or have more skills that’s the reason they are getting more salary or promotion. But that’s mostly myth because it’s not about what are your degree’s or the kind of work you do. but the way you do, in surveys it has been observed that people who can manage others and proved to be a better administrator have, more chances of growth rather than those who stick to typical work every single day.

Flexibility & leadership: Flexibility which every organization requires or looks for when selecting a candidate. You might have seen in BPO industries they ask the typical question to everyone is are you okay to work with rotational shift or night shift? like BPO’s same organization require the employee to be flexible with their work and shift. Many people in the corporate sector look don’t want emails and call’s once they done with their shift or working hour’s which is absolutely normal. But that’s not the theory that corporate follows especially if you are a managerial or upper band.

They are no particular working for them, yes if you ask me personally I also don’t recommend working or stretching outside of your shift hours. you can count it as a 24/7 service to prove this you should ask a question that many people work with an organization but why some of them get promoted even though they have the same abilities and experience as you do. In business, there’s a theory that “you got paid for what you have worked” but in corporate it’s totally opposite you need to be available and flexible whenever the company needs you, which means whenever it requires it can be a weekend. That’s how the people get promoted out of term and earn 3x more than people who follow 8.5 hours of a shift. If you want to know more about trending job and in online world click here

Remember the corporate never want a boss, all they want is an employee who will be assigned to be a boss.

“Increase your value to achieve the dream or ambition which you planned for’”.

Originally published at Digitalrooms on January 8, 2021.



Digitize Learning

I am a Digital marketing Trainer II Author II Udemy instructor and owner of Digitalrooms.in